Happening Theater In Jerusalem
A celebration of mythical creatures and recycled art
15 May 2013
Earlier this month, Israeli theatre collective, Happening Theater, created an arts and ecological event in Jerusalem’s park Nahal Refaim. Check out www.zkore.co.il for more info.
First, there was Chaos then started the big game called Life And Life is full of magic, illusions, emotions and surprises And we left just to remember it, and from one moment to choose To fulfill our potential and give the gift to the world Theatre interfere with what happens when this wants to be discovered. - Happening Theatre
Photography by Noam Chojnowski
NOAM CHOJNOWSKI is a young photographer currently living in Jerusalem, Israel. He is also a Third Eye contributor and friend. A beautiful and special series of his work was published in the first issue of The Third Eye’s printed magazine – discover a preview here.