The Third Eye’s Trip Through The Popol Vuh Festival
Imix Jaguar's psychedelic festival in the jungle of Palenque in Mexico
21 Feb 2013
Convergence of Spirits at the Sacred Fire.
Set in the jungle surrounding the ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque in southern Mexico, IMIX JAGUAR, Mexican artist and Third Eye friend, held the first instalment of his festival. Baptised POPOL VUH SPACE MOTHER SHIP, it is part of his recent creation of POPOL VUH RECORDS, now evolving between Mexico and Spain. Set on eco-resort lands near the lagunas of Monte Bello, the festival saw major psychedelic artists taking on the main stage a.k.a. The Cosmic Gate, such as Russian master PSYKOVSKY, XIKWRI NEYRRA from Guadalajara in Mexico, STYX from Romania, EGNOGRA (Akashik records) from San Francisco, SHARIGRAMA from Mexico, and many other artists from around the world from Japan, Israel, Canada, Chile, Argentina, Italy, Brazil, and the list goes on…
THE THIRD EYE took part in the festival with a special exhibition of its first issue, alongside works by Israeli artist NOAM CHOJNOWSKI, contributor to The Third Eye. Special fire performances went on throughout the festival, with Imix Jaguar also notably performing a suspension ritual from a tree on the last of the festival at sunset. (The Third Eye’s photos from the suspension coming soon)
The festival was celebrated one week from the ending of the Long Count Mayan calendar, with many people next migrating to the World Rainbow Gathering held nearby. The weekend of Popol Vuh was a particularly magical time to experience the sparkling phenomenon of the Geminids meteor shower. Throughout the night, the fire raged on, the music blasted in unison with the people, and everyone gazed and howled energy at the star filled skies of INFINITY towering over the canopy of the powerful jungle. The Third Eye dissolved into the jungle…
A most magical time in the jungle with people & creatures from all over Mexico, the world and Universe!
Love from The Cosmos,
The Third Eye
With thanks to Imix Jaguar. To discover The Third Eye’s interview with IMIX JAGUAR in the first issue of The Third Eye, click here.
::.::To find out more about POPOL VUH RECORDS’ next projects and events,click here.::.:: The next edition of Popol Vuh in Mexico will be held in December 2013…The Eternal GOA Freaks Edition…Watch this space for more information!
The first rays of sunlight breaking through the jungle. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
IMIX JAGUAR’s prayer at the Sacred Fire.
Spirit-in-Chief & Founder of The Third Eye, and writer Catriona Rainsford and a friend, Mexico.
The jungle surrounding the festival. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
Art in the Jungle: A view on the exhibition of The Third Eye’s first issue.
The Palapa hosting the exhibition in the jungle. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
ART at the Popol Vuh Festival: A view on the exhibition of artworks by NOAM CHOJNOWSKI.
Psychedelic Installations around the Main Stage. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
Paul Sargent and Cat Rainsford on the way to the festival.
Entering the Main Stage area surrounded by the jungle.
The Cosmic Gate: Main Stage installation. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
Extraterrestrial Creature and Sounds: Russian Psychedelic artist and master PSYKOVSKY, co-founder of Osom Music.
Day time Trance at the Popol Vuh Festival.
Another view on the waters surrounding the Chillum/Alternative space.
STYX: Romanian, Transylvanian Saxon Psychedelic DJ and Founder of the Romanian festival, TRANSYLVANIA CALLING, playing at the Popol Vuh Festival.
Mayan Energy and artisan creations at Popol Vuh Festival.
Installations around the Main Stage. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
Installations around the Main Stage. Photo by Sophie Pinchetti.
Special Psychedelic Emergency.
A dog at the main stage of Popol Vuh Festival.
Night energy released.
VASILY MARKELOV (Psykovsky), ANDREI SKY WALKER, and IMIX JAGUAR (Founder of Popol Vuh Records and Popol Vuh Festival) having some beers in the jungle.
A view on the main stage.
IMIX JAGUAR’s meditation for his ritual suspension; with ALEX PEREIRO BARROS, Founder of Indigenak Modification Industries.
The sun setting over the powerful jungle around the Main Stage.
Dusk and a new moon. The stars are bliss…
Entering new dimensions: Saturday night at the Popol Vuh Festival, also known to many as the night that everything melted and boiled into unity. VIVA LA SELVA MAGICA!
Dusk at the Sacred Fire.
The spirit of the Fire through performance at dusk.
Solar salutations: the sun rising over the festival.
Liquid Madness, Ecstatic Trance, and Light through the Darkness: PSYKOVSKY preparing for lift off at the Popol Vuh Festival at sunrise.